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Things you must know before coding

wanna keen to learn to code but still confused about where to start ? Don't worry you are at the right blog, I'll be sharing from very basic concepts of coding. weather you have a technical background or not it doesn't matter just stay tuned with my blog, I can bet within a couple of days you will be able to write your own code and with weeks you will start thinking about logic how to solve any problem. Everything you need to know about programming  Programming is one of the top leading jobs in the current market, and it's growing every day. It's becoming more and more crucial to have a programmer in your company. And if you take into account that all the biggest companies in the world (Facebook, Twitter, Amazon etc.) are tied to programming, you'll understand the importance of it. That's why we'll try to teach you everything you need to know about programming.Basically, programming is defined as a process of developing and implementing various sets of i

Handling Data with Pandas

  What is Pandas? pandas  is a package commonly used to deal with data analysis. It simplifies the loading of data from external sources such as text files and databases, as well as providing ways of analysing and manipulating data once it is loaded into your computer. The features provided in  pandas  automate and simplify a lot of the common tasks that would take many lines of code to write in the basic Python langauge. Pandas is a hugely popular, and still growing, Python library used across a range of disciplines from environmental and climate science, through to social science, linguistics, biology, as well as a number of applications in industry such as data analytics, financial trading, and many others. Pandas is best suited for structured,  labelled  data, in other words, tabular data, that has headings associated with each column of data. The  official Pandas website  describes Pandas’ data-handling strengths as: Tabular data with heterogeneously-typed columns, as in an SQL ta

Python NumPy Tutorial – Learn NumPy Arrays With Examples

  What are NumPy Arrays? NumPy is a Python package that stands for ‘Numerical Python’. It is the core library for scientific computing, which contains a powerful n-dimensional array object. Where is NumPy used? Python NumPy arrays provide tools for integrating C, C++, etc. It is also useful in linear algebra, random number capability etc. NumPy array can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container for generic data. Now, let me tell you what exactly is a Python NumPy array. Python NumPy Array:  Numpy array is a powerful N-dimensional array object which is in the form of rows and columns. We can initialize NumPy arrays from nested Python lists and access it elements. In order to perform these NumPy operations, the next question which will come in your mind is: How do I install NumPy? To install Python NumPy, go to your command prompt and type “pip install numpy”. Once the installation is completed, go to your IDE (For example: PyCharm) and simply import it by typing: “import